Sunday, December 22, 2013

Good News & Bad News

I have good news and bad news. I'll tell you the bad news first: Sadly, I woke up. Well, it IS bad news. Anyway, the good news is I'm coming with Emilie! At first, her mom said no and I was SO scared. Thankfully, Emilie convinced her to let me come. Whew.
But, Emilie has been do they say it....under the weather. I think she is scared about moving. Or maybe worried. If she is, I am. Hopefully she will tell me where we are moving. It'll take a lot off my mind if she does. Unless....never mind. *Shudders* I don't even want to think that. And I'm off! To the kitchen, HO! Yum.

Friday, December 20, 2013


I'm so sad. Emilie is moving! What if she doesn't take me with her? Will she give me back to the shelter? Ohh! What am I going to do? I wish someone would tell me what's going to happen to me!! I know! I'll take a nap. That will calm me down. *Yawn* As a matter of fact, I'm tired. See you when I wake up...... in a century. 'Nighty 'Night!

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Oh, its so cold! I wish it was summer and I could lie on my back and sleep in the sun. But no, it has to be winter, and cold, cold, cold! Sadly, yesterday I had to spend the WHOLE NIGHT OUTSIDE! In the morning I was so cold, I could have been an popsicle! Thankfully though, right now I am on a rug in front of the fire, with Emilie stroking my back and occasionally scratching my chin. And then this good moment is ruined. Emilie's friends had come to play with her in the snow. She quickly slips on her coat, boots, gloves, and hat, and rushes outside. Why would she go off in the freezing winter weather, when she can sit in front of the warm fire, I will never know. Humph. Well, its her choice. And my choice is to stretch in front of the fire and dream of summer.
When I wake up I will probably be grumpy, because it will be winter again. 'Night.